My Blueprint for Successful B2B Marketing

By | B2B, Demand Generation, Lead Gen, Presentation | No Comments


As a CMO of a digital marketing company I am often asked to present to classes of trainees.  As such I built this deck to provide a high-level overview of the 8 critical elements necessary for successful B2B marketing.
1. Know your customer journey
2. Always be helping
3. Create marketing so good people would pay for it
4. Promote the power trio
5. Simmer your leads
6. Get in bed with Sales
7. Cultivate continuous improvement culture
8. Build products that sell themselves

b2b branding

How to Execute a Successful Rebranding for Your B2B Business

By | B2B, Brand, Ebook | No Comments

Rebranding your B2B company is essential to stay relevant with customers and stand out in your market – which means you can’t afford to get it wrong. Yet despite it’s huge strategic importance I’ve never seen another Chief Marketing Officer cover the topic of rebranding so I thought I’d give it a shot.  In this ebook I take a straightforward approach covering all the steps I’ve taken to pull off successful rebranding projects at Entrust, ReachLocal and MultiView.

  • Laying the foundation by aligning senior leadership
  • Developing your positioning, messaging and brand essence
  • Finding the right digital agency to partner with
  • Launching the brand internally and externally

DOWNLOAD the ebook here.

#CMO #ChiefMarketingOfficer

Building a B2B Marketing Flywheel

By | B2B, Presentation | No Comments

I’m curious if other Chief Marketing Officers have ever had to explain what you and your team do and the value you provide to the organization? Or have you ever moved to a new company, taken over a marketing team and had to provide direction?  Well, I’ve faced both situations so I built this short but sweet deck to provide a high level explanation of how we power profitable revenue growth for the company. I spend most of my time on slide three talking about how we need to build a marketing flywheel that will drive better and better results over time. Of course I provide a lot of context when I speaking to the slides so if you’d like to hear how I use this deck simply DM me @ToddEbert.

New Ebook on the B2B Buying Journey

By | Advertising, B2B, Ebook, Presentation | No Comments

b2b buying journey
The B2B buying journey has completely changed over the last decade due in large part to the Internet and the amount of information now accessible online. Businesses must come to the realization that their prospective buyers are completing up to 70% of their buying journey before contacting them. This stat may be staggering to some, but there’s good news — you still have the ability to influence your audience early on and throughout their entire buying journey. My new ebook takes a deep dive into what a modern day B2B buyer’s path to purchase looks like, the marketing solutions that play into each phase of their buying journey, and how those marketing solutions ultimately influence the buyer’s decision to purchase. This ebook is a must read for any B2B CMO or marketer looking for a fresh perspective on the digital landscape and how their business can capitalize on the online marketing opportunities available to them.

#CMO #ChiefMarketingOfficer

How much time do you spend online?

By | Infographic, Uncategorized | No Comments

If you’re like the rest of us, you spend most of your day surfing the web for content relevant to your personal life and your professional life. The typical person in the U.S. spends over seven hours online every day surfing content, watching videos, checking social media and doing email.  About 1 percent of the time we spend searching, a fraction of the time that we spend surfing, but it’s an extremely important 1 percent since it drives us to the sites that provide what we are looking for.

The takeaway for marketers is that you “must be present to win.”  Your prospects are doing a ton of research online when deciding what to buy and who to buy it from. So if you’re not there you can’t make it into their consideration set and therefore you might as well not exist.

I’m a huge fan of content marketing [as you can see on this site] but I also know that advertising is the best [fastest, most cost-effective] way to be absolutely sure that you are present to win — building awareness with prospects and influencing their purchasing decision.  My team uses what we call the “power combo,” a mix of display advertising and search engine advertising tailored for each stage of our customer buying journey.  That approach has produced excellent results for us which I’ll dig into more in a subsequent post.

time spent online infographic